Live Your Inspired Life Coaching Course
You have heard the saying, "If you do what you've always done, you're going to get what you've always got."
We all have limiting beliefs that cause habitual patterns of negative thinking. These thinking patterns continually cause us to react in ways that sabotage our success, abundance, happiness, and personal growth.
In this course, you will gain an arsenal of tools that will help you navigate the ups and downs of life with less fear and more faith, love, and clarity as you shift your beliefs to align with the universal principles of truth that make life work more harmoniously.

- Eight, 60-minute one-on-one coaching sessions. Experience the freeing, higher vibrational feeling that each session brings as you peel away the layers of limiting beliefs, generational baggage, and heavy trapped emotions that sabotage your growth and progression.
- Weekly support between sessions during business hours if needed.
- A hard copy of The Living Your Inspired Life Workbook for additional support in between our sessions to help you stay focused on the mindset that will help you incorporate what you are learning into lasting habits. (US residents only, international clients will have easy access to the content via the online platform)
- Lifetime access to the weekly video modules (each video is 15 min long or less) that will teach you how to become your best friend, and make God your best friend so you can live a more inspired, passionate, and fulfilling life.
This package is completely backed by a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. If you attend all your coaching sessions, and do the modules in your workbook and you don’t feel satisfied with your progress then you will receive a full refund.
Module 1: Your Mindset Creates Your Future
Maintaining a healthy mindset is crucial to becoming a successful creator of your life, but it can be challenging due to generational patterns, trapped emotions, trauma, and limiting beliefs that accumulate over time. Often, we may not even be aware of their presence. This is where the combination of energy work and coaching comes in handy. You will be surprised to see just how much heavy, trapped energy we can shift in just one session!
Then you will find that the videos and workbook provided will assist you throughout the week and adequately prepare you for your upcoming session.

Janette’s inspired program and coaching style have opened my walled-up heart, reminding me of the power within to dispel anxiety and despair in a lasting way. My mood and health are back in my control and improving daily. She has given me tools that help me use my gifts to show up as my true self.
It feels so good!
~Teri W.
Module 2: Love, Worth, and Power
Have you ever considered that love is not just an emotion, but rather a state of being? Knowing the true essence of love, learning to embrace it within yourself and towards others, and connecting with God's unconditional love for you can help you recognize your worth and feel empowered and inspired instead of constantly battling fear, confusion, and feelings of inadequacy.

I loved this course! The lessons were very informative. I was so grateful for the helpful insights and encouragement I received. If I got hung up on something my coach and I dove into the root of the problem and then she helped me re-frame the thought patterns that were creating the problem and align them with truth.
~Stephanie H.
Module 3: Sharpen Your Intuition
Do you want to be more intuitive or sensitive to the spirit? This week you will learn how to work on developing your intuition and any other spiritual gifts you may have. You may even discover that you have spiritual gifts you were not even aware of. Then you will learn how to receive your very own personal message from God. You might be asking “Is that even possible?” Yes, it is! And, yes it is possible for YOU!

Because I have done counseling and coaching before I didn't think I would learn anything new. I was wrong! Not only am I more connected to God and myself, but I am trusting myself and my intuition more. Where I had blocks, I gained the knowledge and skills to work through them. In a nutshell, this Transformational Coaching Course combined with the weekly energy work is amazing!
~Heather B.
Module 4: The Who's and What's You Give Your Power Away To.
How often do go with the flow to avoid conflict? How often do you say yes and commit to something only to resent ever saying yes? This week you will learn more about how to be the powerful person you were created to be in a humble Christ-like way.

This course is truly inspirational. It is inspiring to be among such amazing people who are willing to do what it takes to change their lives for the better. Janette is an absolute gem and has been a key to my personal transformation. She is living her inspired life and with your coach's help, you too will be living your inspired life as you learn to use the power of love to strengthen your intuition.
~ Sheena Wirick
Week 5: Discovering Your I AM.
As women, we often fall into the trap of believing that others possess greater gifts and abilities than ourselves. However, this is a false perception. This week, we will work on connecting with our genuine selves, identifying our strengths, and gaining the confidence to utilize them daily to fulfill our purpose. This particular week is typically one of my clients favorites!

This program is so inspiring and way beyond anything else I've experienced. I am more connected to who I am and I know how to let me out! I will be forever grateful for all that I've learned. I'm sure everyone could benefit from this course and the insightful coaching that comes with it.
~Martha J.
Week 6: Faith To Go After Your Dreams
It's common for individuals to be apprehensive about making mistakes, but this fear often leads to the unfortunate outcome of never pursuing their dreams. This week's focus is on two essential tools: one that can hinder progress and another that can drive us forward. Additionally, we'll explore the concept of stepping outside of our comfort zones, as that's where life truly begins.

When I started the Live Your Inspired Life program, I was hoping to feel lighter and more connected to those around me. Now, not only do I feel lighter and more connected to my authentic self and my loved ones, but I've managed to get into the habit of daily exercise and eating healthier foods. Two things I had given up on ever being able to handle consistently. The program brought me much more than I was expecting!
~ Stefany B.
Module 7: Your Inspired Path
Living a fulfilling life involves engaging in activities that inspire us, rather than just going through the motions of our daily routine. This involves embracing the fact that you are a powerful creator and making the daily decisions that will create the future you desire.

By week 8 of this program, I am finding that I no longer need to control everything in my life. This has made a big difference in my relationships with my husband and my children. My intuition and confidence have grown and I have a lot more tools to be able to manage my mindset in a healthier manner.
~ Heather Chase
Week 8: You Did It!
Week 8 is celebration time!
A time to look back at all that you have learned and all the a-ha moments you have had along the way. You will have done a lot of healing from past hurts, overcome many limiting beliefs, and have many more tools to help you live a life that is more inspired, abundant, fulfilling, and purposeful.

This course comes with a 100% money-back guarantee.
If you do your part by:
- Attending every coaching appointment
- Filling out every assignment in your workbook
- Being open and honest with your coach
And you are not fully satisfied then you will receive a full refund minus the shipping and printing costs of your workbook.