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About Transformation Energy Work & Janette VanLeer


Would you like to experience greater happiness,
fulfillment, and well-being in your life?

Do you feel like no matter how hard you try, nothing changes? If the answer to the above questions are “YES!” Then you have come to the right place. That’s because most likely what you think is causing unhappiness in your life is merely a side effect of a deeper issue or false belief. This belief is stored in your subconscious mind, which is why you are not conscious of it.

Your subconscious mind has a lot more influence in your daily life than you realize. Any negative emotions created from traumas or other life events will affect how much self-worth you have, your level of confidence, and your ability to trust yourself and others. Over time this will affect your success in every area of your life.

Energy work is an effective, powerful way to tune into the subconscious mind and get to the root of what is causing depression, addiction, anxiety, stress, relationship issues, financial issues, career issues, or any other problem you are experiencing in your life.

As a side note, I want to be clear that I don’t claim to be a “healer”. When someone has a breakthrough or lets go of something that has been creating disharmony in their life and feels healed, it’s because they have let go of negative beliefs that were not true that were keeping them from seeing and feeling truth. This allows the atonement of Jesus Christ to be activated and utilized and that is what heals hearts and creates transformation.

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  • Hundreds of coaching clients
  • Simply Healed, Certified 
  • 8 years of energy healing experience
  • Healing own family; Lived it, done it, used tools everyday of life.
  • Kinergetics, certified
  • Worked with over 200 clients
  • 800+ hours in training; massage school, kinergetics, cranial sacral and energy work.
  • 100% money back guarantee – if you do the work and are not satisfied, you can receive a full refund.
  • Featured speaker at Energy Healing Conference, Luxury Business Retreat

"Janette makes it possible to change us from the inside out for a lasting, life-long God-purpose driven lifestyle."

~ Charlene I.